Exquisite 1920s dress with a strong Art Deco feel to it, whose base silk netting is a remarkable and unusual shade of a dusty rose pink. The base is entirely made of netting upon which sequins, glass tube beads and a finish at the hem of large paillettes have been applied. It's a truly stunning dress and I have taken a photo of it flat so you can really get an idea of the expanse of fabric used in the skirting. It's quite full and I love how the bottom edge is scalloped! The paillettes that are used around the edge also make a wonderful rustling sound so you become a moving, three senses engaged piece of art! The bodice's design swoops up in lovely curves† and the bead work is remarkable - all silver lined tube glass beads used to really emphasize the cut of the dress. A border circles the dropped waist and then the skirt has a vertical band of beads down the center on the front and back. There are no closures - you just slip it on and go. This is a remarkable twenties textile. The level of work in this piece would only be found in the highest couture of today!